Answers to The Top 5 Questions About Water Softeners
There are many questions that people have when contemplating the installation of a water softening or filtration unit in their home. Professional water treatment specialists such as the professionals at Reynolds Water Conditioning can help. Below you will find the top questions we receive on a regular basis when clients are considering treating their homes… Read more
What’s Better for Your Water: Potassium Chloride (Salt-Fee) or Salt Water Softeners?
There are both advantages and disadvantages to the two types of water softeners commonly purchased: potassium chloride (salt-free) and salt water softeners. The choice if often based on the area in which you live, the quality of your homes water, and health concerns that may or may not exist. It is important to note that… Read more
The Basics of Choosing the Right Water Softener For Your Home and Family
Water softeners take bathing to an all new level, especially after accepting and coming accustomed to hard water showers. If you are ready to bathe in silky smooth water, if you are excited for clear uncolored, smell free water, and if you are anxious to stop cleaning with harsh rust removers, we might just… Read more
Tap Water: Is the Water in My Home Safe to Drink?
All you want to do on a really hot day or after a long, hard workout is to go over to your kitchen sink and fill an extremely large glass with cold tap water! However, is the water that is coming out of your tap safe to drink? While tap water in the United States… Read more
How Do Water Softeners and Conditioners Really Work?
Do you notice a build-up of scum in your shower or dishwasher? Is your home’s shower not supplying you with water that feels “right” as you rinse off the day? If you are encountering issues or experiencing a change in your water supply, it may be so to hard water or that the treatment option… Read more
Removing Hard Water With A Water Softener
Before we discuss water softeners, it’s essential that one gains an understanding of what hard water is and how it affects you and your family. Hard water refers to water with a higher-than-usual mineral content. This is typically the case with water that is extracted from areas with large deposits of calcium and magnesium carbonates… Read more
Maintaining Your Salt-Free Water Softener
A salt-free water softener uses potassium chloride instead of salt, so you will not experience salty water, or the salt build up that can occur inside the tank of your water softener. There are many other positive benefits of using a potassium chloride water softener, but you will only see them if you maintain it… Read more
Troubleshooting Your Homes Water Supply
No matter where your homes water comes from, a well, a spring, or the city, problems can exist. Individual water quality issues are fixed with distinct water treatment solutions. It is our job to help determine what solution will work best in treating and eliminating your homes water issue. From hardness to foul smells, we… Read more
Water Treatment Systems Improve Homeowners Drinking Water Quality
There are a variety of water purification systems that can be used to improve the quality of the drinking water throughout your home. To determine what type of water treatment system your home needs it is important to understand the qualities that each system offers in increasing water quality. Professional water analysis can be done… Read more
4 Ways Water Softeners Improve Your Waters Quality
Water plays an important role in our everyday life and overall well-being, so it’s only prudent to ensure that we have a continuous supply of quality water for our homes, not only for our own good, but for the good of our appliances, energy bills, and of course our wallets. The most cost-effective way of… Read more