Wolf Survival Gear

Tornado Myths and Safety

June 28, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Tornadoes can wreak havoc on property and life. Depending on your location, it’s essential to stay abreast of the weather and analyze whether a natural disaster is coming your way. Preparing for tornadoes is imperative to prevent loss of life. Despite their imminent danger, tornadoes come with many myths associated with them – read on… Read more

Tick Safety and Precautions

June 14, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

It’s that time of year again…tick season. Ticks can be extremely dangerous and sometimes lethal. If you, a family member, friend, or pet get bitten by a tick, do you know the proper steps to take to ensure adequate removal, when to go to the doctor, and more? Read on to learn more. Ticks are… Read more

Edible Mushrooms for Survival

May 25, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Wild mushrooms are popping up everywhere around this time of year. While some are edible, most are toxic and can make you sick. In emergency situations, mushrooms can mean life or death for survival.  The best way to enjoy wild mushrooms is to handle and cook them thoroughly because certain mushrooms raw can cause gastric… Read more

Maintaining a Positive Survival Mindset

May 11, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

We’ve all heard of unexpected situations that require survival skills, but what is survival, exactly? Survival is the act of continuing to live or exist in spite of an accident, ordeal, or difficult circumstances. Often, it involves overcoming challenges, beating unimaginable odds, and championing through overall grueling situations.  Without a doubt, the most imperative tool… Read more

Five Methods for Collecting Emergency Water

April 29, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Water is vital for life: not just ours, but for plants and animals, too. In survival situations, water is critical to locate and stockpile, as it is one of our most basic necessities. In circumstances where clean, running tap water is not available, it’s necessary to gather emergency water and have a plan of action.  … Read more

Europeans Stock Up on Survival Gear

April 14, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Due to concerns over the crisis in Ukraine, Europeans are flocking to stores in droves to stock up on survival gear such as sleeping bags, camping cookers, canned, dehydrated, and freeze-dried food. Some of the purchases will be donated to Ukrainian refugees, while others are hoarded due to widespread fear of supply shortages or future… Read more

Common Household Items Used for Survival

March 25, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Having a complete survival kit in your home can bring you peace of mind, but did you know your house already holds lots of life-saving tools? You’d be surprised just how valuable your everyday items can be in a pinch from the kitchen to the bathroom. So, if you want to be prepared for whatever comes… Read more

Three Fundamental Survival Tips

March 10, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Disasters rarely come with prior warning to give people ample time to prepare for their impact. Being prepared for all kinds of disasters is essential to staying alive and well in their occurrence. With an increasing number of natural disasters, the pandemic, and the threat of war, more people are considering how to ready themselves for… Read more

Emergency Flares and Water: Do They Mix?

February 24, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Most flat tire or vehicle survival kits contain chemical roadside emergency flares. These invaluable additions are bold, bright, and noticeable in most emergencies, but what about rain? The question of whether these flares are waterproof is a valid one. Thankfully, most roadside chemical flares are water-resistant. This means they will work if exposed to a… Read more

Ice Safety Tips

February 11, 2022 Wolf Survival Gear 0

Lakes can be a great place to enjoy activities on or near the ice. However, no ice is ever considered “safe,” as there’s no reliable measurement to determine whether it’s sturdy or will not break. Snow acts as an insulator and slows the freezing process; therefore, snow-covered ice should be considered unsafe because the ice… Read more