Farming Without Soil
A food crisis is on the brink, worldwide, as farmland is becoming destitute due to the overwhelming amount of pesticides, droughts, and extreme weather. With these challenges comes an inability to produce enough crops for the increasing global population. Since soil is such a crucial part of the growing process, is it possible to produce… Read more
Naturally Battling Ticks on the Homefront
Ahhh, the summer air is upon us…which means ticks are already on their way to invading our yards. Walking leisurely through the deep woods shouldn’t be a gamble of whether you’ll contract Lyme Disease or another tick-borne illness when you emerge from the forest. Unfortunately, this can be the case for not just us but… Read more
Living Off-Grid Urban Style
Living “off-the-grid” refers to functioning without a controlled electrical power network, either sans electricity all together, or relying on a generator, or creating electricity through alternative sources such as solar and wind. Completely self-sufficient off-grid lifestyles are free from reliance on utilities, food, and housing. Self-sufficiency is crucial to living off the grid, especially during… Read more
Garden Mulch 101
Spring is just around the corner, which means it’s almost time to tend to your garden. There are many varieties of mulch; how do you choose what’s best for your garden? Which is best for minimizing weeds versus enhancing beds? Keep reading to discover the answers you are looking for. First things first; what is… Read more
Six Essential Survival Skills
If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that the “unthinkable” can definitely happen. From pandemics, natural disasters, unidentified flying objects looming in the sky, and more, we need to be always ready. Though survival skills are especially useful in dire circumstances, they are also useful in simple, unexpected situations, such as getting… Read more
Types of Emergency Shelters
Emergency shelters are typically built during a catastrophic event and aren’t planned out too far in advance. Depending on the situation, it’s important to devise a plan to craft a shelter that can protect you from whatever circumstances arise while using the least amount of time and energy possible. To start building an emergency shelter,… Read more
Is Love All You Need?
Love and a sense of belonging are part of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. Simply put, love is a basic human necessity. As social creatures, love binds human beings and helps give life purpose. The aspects of love can transcend our understanding, but many report that love gives them physical and emotional feelings. Humans possess an… Read more
Igniting Fires in Snowy Areas
If you ever find yourself stranded outside in the winter, chances are, you’ll be surrounded by snow and susceptible to the darkness that forces temperatures to plummet below freezing. Is building a fire out of the question? Answer: it can be difficult, but not impossible. Since snow immediately melts and turns into water when heated,… Read more
Tips to Avoid Cold and Flu
With the winter season in full swing, it’s much easier for our immune systems to be weakened and our bodies to become susceptible to bacteria and viruses. While we congregate inside to keep warm, cold and flu illnesses are more easily transferrable. Read on to discover some tips to avoid getting sick this season. Diet:… Read more
Gauging Ice Thickness

Whether you want to fish, skate, snowmobile, or drive a truck on it, ice can be dangerous if too thin for the activity you pursue. But how do you know if and when it’s thick enough to hold substantial weight? All ice that contains cracks or is located near inlets or moving water should be… Read more