Installment Two – The Process of Treating Cancer Using Radiation
In our first installment on treating cancer with radiation we took a look in to exactly what radiation therapy was, how it worked, and how treatment is planned and delivered. In today’s installment we will look deeper into what patients can and cannot doing during treatment, how long treatment sessions take, what to expect, and… Read more
Installment One – The Process Of Treating Cancer Using Radiation
What is radiation therapy anyway? Radiation therapy is one of the most common ways to treat cancer. Depending on the type and nature of cancer being treated will depend on what method radiation is delivered to your tumor. Most commonly, a linear accelerator is used to deliver external beam therapy. LINAC machines deliver radiation directly… Read more
Replacing Equipment: Age Is Not the Only Factor
There are a number of factors that hospitals, medical facilities, and healthcare organizations must consider before they replace equipment besides age. Each year companies could potentially waste thousands of assets by focusing solely on the age of their equipment. It wasn’t long ago that healthcare facilities were zealous to add all of the latest surgical… Read more
Radiation Therapy: Equipment Used by Veterinarians
When many of us think of cancer and how it affects us and the lives we lead we are more often than not picturing human patients however, we are not the only ones that affected by cancer. Today’s post is all about cancer in our pets and how their treatment includes similar treatment plans and… Read more
General Radiotherapy Machines
The most common machine used to distribute external beam radiotherapy treatment is known as a linear accelerator or LINAC for short. LINAC systems generate high energy x-rays that are carefully aimed at the cancerous tumors. This process is done with much care given to direct the rays in a manner that does as little harm… Read more
The Lifespan of a Linear Accelerator Parts
A linear accelerator has a wide range of built-ins that are designed to ensure patients are only given the recommended dose of radiation. The dosage recommended by the physician should never be ignored or changed as each treatment dosage is unique to each patient. Linear accelerators are comprised of several parts and mechanisms that age… Read more
Preventive Maintenance Increases the Lifespan of LINAC Systems
LINAC systems are just one of the methods that facilities use to administer radiotherapy to patients with cancer. The high cost of this technology necessitates that preventive maintenance be routinely undertaken to extend the life span of linear accelerator parts and other radiation oncology equipment. Linear accelerator parts should be serviced to ensure high quality… Read more
Finding Parts and Services for Medical Equipment Repair
Healthcare businesses will often find that while their oncology equipment is in excellent shape, there comes a time when something will breakdown or break all together. When that happens, there is usually a ruckus, because then someone needs to find out who sells parts or services their linear accelerator or other oncology equipment. While this… Read more
Proper Maintenance Keeps Medical Systems Running Smoothly
The manufacturer of all medical equipment routinely establishes a regular maintenance schedule that customers need to be able to accomplish in order to ensure that their system is running properly. These maintenance requirements ensure tests are run to ensure that certain linear accelerator parts are all functioning well. The same is true for oncology equipment… Read more
When Is It Time to Replace Your LINAC System Instead of Repairing It?
It is a known fact that linear accelerators, LINAC systems are expensive. Not only is the piece of equipment on a whole costly but also buying the replacement parts for linear accelerators can be quite costly, especially if it is a rush order. Hence, regular maintenance and care must be ensured to enhance its lifespan.… Read more