Easing Arthritis Pain with Hand & Wrist Exercises
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that causes pain, inflammation, joint deformity, and eventually, deterioration. The body attacks its own joints, particularly the hands and fingers, which can ultimately lead to loss of hand function. Exercising or moving joints can help alleviate pain, strengthen muscles, increase fine motor skills, grip strength, and more. Try… Read more
Hand Injuries Resulting from Smartphones
The world is at our fingertips with help from smartphones. With this novel invention, we can easily connect with family, friends, read recipes, browse through photos, play games, control other electronics, watch movies, and more. Now that smartphones have been around for quite some time, we’re seeing some common injuries in the hand which are… Read more
All About Thumb Joint Replacement Surgery
Did you know the thumb joint is the most mobile in the hand? It can move up and down, in and out, and rotate; our thumbs move hundreds of times daily. When we use a hammer or hold a glass, the thumb joint helps grip the object and stabilize the other fingers while writing or… Read more
All About Raynaud’s Discorder
Raynaud’s is a disorder that affects the arteries by restricting blood flow to toes and, most commonly, fingers. There are two types of Raynaud’s: primary and secondary. Primary Raynaud’s (also called Raynaud’s disease) comes from an unknown origin and tends to be less severe than secondary Raynaud’s. Secondary Raynaud’s is sparked by another unknown illness,… Read more
Trigger Finger Treatment
Trigger finger is identified by the inability to control a finger’s movement after getting stuck in a bent position. When trying to straighten the finger(s), it rapidly snaps out with a swift motion. The flexor tendon is responsible for bending fingers and runs through the palm. These rope-like tendons connect muscle to bone, and many… Read more
Tennis Elbow Treatment and Prevention
The term tennis elbow might be more misleading than you think – this tendon injury can occur without any tennis games whatsoever. Aching arm and elbow pain are most prevalent in patients who are diagnosed with tennis elbow. The proper term for tennis elbow is lateral epicondylitis; this injury is categorized by causing chronic pain… Read more
Five Potential Culprits of Stiff Hands
Our hands are used for practically everything. Stiff hands can prevent us from performing everyday tasks such as opening a jar, picking up children, cooking, painting, writing, and more. For some people, stiffness can be debilitatingly chronic, while others only experience acute pain. If your hands are stiff, explore these potential causes: Arthritis: Many different… Read more
Five Signs of a Sprained Thumb
Thumb sprains are injuries to a ligament, a soft tissue that connects bones at the joints. Thumb fractures, on the other hand, are bone breaks, and different injuries altogether. The most injured ligament is the ulnar collateral, which connects the thumb to the hand on the side closest to the index finger. These injuries are… Read more
Protecting Your Hands While Gardening
It’s that time of year again and gardening is a great way to get physical activity while improving your surroundings. Unfortunately, many people are injured while using mechanical and non-mechanical gardening tools. Emergency rooms treat many outdoor garden enthusiasts due to tool-related accidents annually. Ensure you are using proper safety techniques to avoid paying a… Read more
Osteoarthritis and Turmeric
One of the most common human ailments, arthritis, comes from the Greek words artho and itis, which translates to “joint inflammation.” Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, which affects millions of people worldwide. Also referred to as a degenerative joint disease, osteoarthritis is caused by age, genetics, inflammation, stress, and overuse. After years… Read more