Creating a Visually Appealing Print Design for Business Marketing

October 11, 2023 Econoprint 0

When it comes to business marketing, first impressions matter. Whether it’s a business card, a brochure, or a poster, the design of your print materials plays a crucial role in how your brand is perceived. A good design can captivate, inform, and persuade. So, how do you create a visually appealing print design? We explore… Read more

Assessing the Effectiveness: Calculating ROI for Print Marketing Initiatives

September 14, 2023 Econoprint 0
Image of a person sitting on a stack of coins to signify getting a return on your investment for your print marketing campaign.

Despite being one of the oldest forms of advertising, print marketing remains a powerful tool in today’s digital age. For businesses investing in brochures, flyers, posters, or direct mail campaigns, measuring the return on investment (ROI) is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you determine the effectiveness of your print marketing efforts. Define Clear… Read more

Printing Strategies to Market Your Business

August 22, 2023 Econoprint 0

There is virtue in finding balance; the same can be said with a good marketing strategy. Promoting your business is most successful when using a combination of digital and print mediums because you’ll reach a larger audience to view your product or service. While both advertising channels are important, this article focuses on using print… Read more

Implementing Promotional Products for Business

July 10, 2023 Econoprint 0

Glance around and notice how many promotional products are within eyesight. Chances are, there are probably a few. Quite common in today’s society, promotional products offer a way for businesses to gain valuable impressions at a small cost.  Thanks to Jasper Meeks, promotional products first came to the United States in the late 1800s. A… Read more

Using Yard Signs for Small Businesses

June 15, 2023 Econoprint 0

Yard marketing is no new feat, but there is a reason it has thrived through the years since its invention in Ancient Rome. Throughout history, yard signs were first used in the United States in the 1820s when President John Quincy Adams used them for political campaigning. Whether for political reasons or business advertising, yard… Read more

Traditional Advertising is Making a Comeback

May 9, 2023 Econoprint 0

Digital marketing has dominated the marketing field for more than a decade as potential customers shift their focus from physical media to an online presence. With this shift, television, radio, newspaper, and other previously-relied-on traditional advertising methods have needed to pivot in different directions. Business-to-Consumer (B2C) service companies anticipate the biggest move to traditional advertising… Read more

Commercial Printing Industry Outlook

April 11, 2023 Econoprint 0

Many question whether physical printing will remain relevant with the ever-growing popularity of digital media and the Internet. Yes, the future will involve printing, but read on to discover why.  The forecast for the printing industry is positive, with the profit (percentage of sales) remaining steady or increasing annually since the Great Recession ended in… Read more

The Evolution of Printing

March 15, 2023 Econoprint 0

As we age, technology progresses. With that progression comes the inevitable retirement of countless devices we have come to use throughout our daily lives. Some obsolete examples have been phased out, including rotary phones, floppy disks, CDs, pagers, cassette tapes, typewriters, etc. While some have been repurposed or had a comeback (vinyl records, we’re looking… Read more

Short Run Book Printing Benefits

February 10, 2023 Econoprint 0

In the past, books were produced only in large quantities before digital printing because time and expense for smaller batches were not economical. Digital printing makes short runs easy and affordable without sacrificing quality. Paper stocks have a high-quality finish and a fantastic overall look. Moreover, they provide flexible options for printers who want to… Read more

Handwritten Notes to Enhance Business

January 19, 2023 Econoprint 0

Handwritten thank-you notes are great ways to show gratitude and stand out among the text message and e-mail crowd. Handwritten notes don’t have to be complex either; the simpler and more sincere, the better.  Personal or business connections can be improved with a quick note, which shows how important the relationship is. You show good… Read more