September 27, 2018 Medigap 0

Up until 2006, many Medigap plans included prescription drug coverage.  This is no longer the case.  Today if you would like prescription drug coverage you must enroll in Medigap Part D, prescription drug coverage.

Medigap Part D provides individuals with prescription drug coverage.  In order to enroll in Medigap Part D you must be a participant in Medicare Part A and Part B.  Medicare Supplemental Insurance Part D coverage can be purchased by any private insurance company that is authorized by Medicare.

Why do you need Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plan D, prescription drug coverage?

  • Medicare Part B includes limited outpatient prescription drug coverage. It doesn’t cover most of the drugs that you need to get at the pharmacy.  Drugs that are needed as part of a daily regimen for chronic conditions such as high blood pressure require Medigap Part D to be covered.
  • Even if you do not use prescription drugs right now, you will have to decide about Medigap Part D. It not only lowers your drug costs today but provides you will essential protection against high costs in the future or being denied coverage at a later date.
  • If participants don’t join Medigap drug coverage when first eligible but decide the need it at a later date they can be required to pay a late penalty (depending on the circumstance) and/or have to pay increased monthly premiums.

How do participants go about enrolling in Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage, Medigap Part D?

In order to enroll in Medigap Part D you must already be enrolled in Original Medicare, Part A and Part B.  Participants must also live in the service area of the plan that provides prescription drug coverage.

Things you should know before joining Medigap, Medicare Supplemental Insurance Part D.

  • In addition to the premium that is paid with Medicare Part A and Part B, participants must pay for Part D. Some enrollees qualify for financial aid.
  • Consider all of your options for drug coverage before making a decision. Prescription drugs coverage varies a great deal in the drugs that are covered, how much you will pay, and what pharmacies you can use.
  • You may not be able to make changes to your plans for a year so choose carefully when you sign up.
  • Understand that the drug plan you have today may change from year to year. It may not cover the same prescriptions from year to year.

The experts at eMedigap Plans, powered by Omega, have all the answers you are looking for when it comes to your Medigap Supplemental Insurance needs.  More information can be found at