August 22, 2018 Acceletronics 0

Radiation oncology occurs through the use of ionizing radiation to treat/cure disease such as cancer.  It can also be used to assist in the relief of symptoms when a cure or treatment is no longer a viable option.  Most often radiation is most frequently associated with cancer however can be used in treated in a limited range of benign or non-malignant illnesses.  Some of the equipment that is used within the radiation oncology department is linear accelerators, simulators, and CT scanners.

Linear Accelerator

Linear accelerator, LINAC systems are sophisticated pieces of medical equipment that are used to distribute radiation therapy treatments for patients with cancer. Linear accelerators can be used to treat most types of cancers.  During radiation therapy, treatment is provided by directing the beams on to the cancerous tumor.  Targeting the cancer and encompassing area to annihilate the main cancerous tumor and close cancer cells without causing undo harm to the healthy tissue around it.

Patients are placed on a treatment couch that moves, with the help of specifically planned out lasers and X-ray imaging panels, are manipulated to ensure that the beam is in the right position for treatment. The couch can be maneuvered in many planes with sub-millimeter accuracy. This occurs in sync with the LINAC gantry allows the radiation to be directed from any angle to reach the cancerous tumor from any angle.

Simulators and CT-simulators

A simulator is an advanced diagnostic x-ray unit that enables the localization of the tumor site.  The radiation beams are employed in the treatment process.  In addition, the simulator provides a component of the permanent record (verification) of the treatment plan. It is named as so because it has been fabricated to mimic several of the treatment positions that are possible within radiation treatment units.

Servicing and Repairing Linear Accelerator

Problems LINAC System Face

Linear accelerators are built by joining numerous small parts and sending very small radiation particles at very high speeds towards designated targets. Each part has its own function and in the grand scheme of things isnt linked to adjacent parts. This makes the LINAC a very fickle machine since any faulty part can lead to the entire machine going out of order. Hence, the LINAC is an unsustainable machine that can require very intricate maintenance. Therefore, the debate about whether to install spare parts or to change the machine entirely holds a lot of weight and is something that many professionals in the health industry constantly talk about.

Repairing LINAC system

Medical equipment parts used for repairing linear accelerators can be quite expensive especially if you choose to buy new OEM parts over refurbished. Instead of spending your valuable budget on new parts to repair equipment, there are a number of firms in the market that offer refurbishing of parts for radiation equipment. The refurbished parts are often returned very quickly, and this efficient process saves you half the money you would spend on a new part. Therefore, it is best to find a good servicing company for your LINACs to extend the lifespan of the equipment.

Acceletronics is an independent service company dedicated to delivering the best equipment performance and service reliability from Linear Accelerators and CT Scanners across all major brands and models. Learn more about Acceletronics and their selection of new and refurbished linear accelerators and CT scanners today at  To contact one of our LINAC experts call 610.524.3300.