November 16, 2017 Medigap 0

Medicare is a U.S. federal health insurance that covers certain health expenses for senior citizens and other qualifying members of the society. Since it doesn’t cover every aspect of health insurance, there is a need for supplements. TN Medigap is one of those supplements. Medigap covers expenses such as foreign health care bills that are not covered by Medicare. Medigap, however, differs from Medicare Advantage Plans.

For one to be eligible for Medicare, there must be a history of tax payment. Medicare comes in different plans. Medigap plans are only available for persons with Medicare plans A and B. In Tennessee, there are over 806,000 persons registered for Medicare Plan A and/or Plan B. This is according to data released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2017.

Medigap Plans To Choose From

Medigap, just like Medicaid also comes in plans which include Plan Plans A, B, C, D, F, G, K, L, M, and N. These plans come with specific coverage and make the payment out-of-pocket medical bills for senior citizens and persons with disabilities and others an easier process.

In Tennessee, all the ten standardized Medigap plans are available. The most popular Tennessee Medigap Policy is Plan F which has 161,323 enrolees as stated by America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP). This is distantly followed by Plans G, C, and N with 28,332, 17,876, 16,112, and 6,659 enrolees respectively. This data is according to an AHIP publication in 2015.

Issue- Age, Attained-Age, or Community

Medigap plans are either priced based in issue-age, attained-age or community. The premiums of attained-age rated plans increase as the insured gets older. For issue- age rated plans, increase in premiums may be as a result of inflation and other factors, but not age. However, the initial premium is based on age. Community-rated plans are offered at the same premium for everyone independent of age and other factors. Most of the plans in Tennessee are attained-age rated.

Medigap plans in Tennessee also include options for under 65s. The Kaiser Family Foundation states that all insurance companies must offer Medigap plans for persons being covered by Medicare plans under 65. This is, however, offered at a different premium rate. Please contact us for more details on this.

Medigap for Public and Education Sectors

In 2015 alone, 272,860 residents of Tennessee registered for a Medigap plan, according to AHIP. This is in the light The Tennessee Plan, a special Medigap plan that is state-sponsored and offered to retirees from the public and education sectors that have access to Medicare Part A. The Tennessee plan also has special benefits for those who spent at least 15 years in the public or education sector. These retirees get reduced premiums which have been extended to their spouses from 2015.

The different private insurance companies in Tennessee offer Medigap plans that vary in terms of premium, pricing and services covered.  And with the Tennessee plan, residents of TN get to enjoy better health care insurance service.

Learn more about Tennessee Medigap plans & rates at  Our Tennessee Medigap Insurance brokers will help you compare Medigap Insurance rates and plans today.  To talk to an expert in Tennessee Medigap coverage call toll free 888-452-7949!